Legal Office Software – Is Wordperfect 12 Compatible on Windows 7?

You have bought a new laptop with Windows 7 and installed WordPerfect office 12, which was your old computer. It installed ok, however you are unable to open that program. Can you get it activated for your new computer, or will you have to replace that program?

You have tried to obtain a telephone number to speak to a technician, but unable find a number. Wordperfect 12 isn’t on this list of Windows 7 Corel product compatibility list. You could try right clicking wordperfect desktop shortcut and select “Run as administrator” from a pop up menu.

Also, you can right click and select “Properties” and in a compatability tab choose a previous operating system and see if it will run. You might have to go back and pick each different operating system all the way back to XP to see if it will run properly. I can find Corel contact information for you.

I know they have a phone number for their customers. It looks like Corel only has a 1-877-582-6735 number you can call for sales questions. You can call them at 9AM-7PM Eastern time.

They do have a live chat feature. On that Welcome to Corel Support page there is a “Get Live Support” chat link.