YouTube – Super Chat Live Stream Purchases Instructions

YouTube is releasing Super Chat to replace Fan Funding. Fan Funding will no longer accept new sign ups as of January twelve two thousand seventeen. On February twenty eight two thousand seventeen Fan Funding will officially become discontinued.

Fan Funding was created in two thousand fourteen. However, YouTube claims that outside of YouTube live streams, this feature did not receive widespread use. Super Chat will become YouTube’s new funding tool. Beginning immediately only a select few higher traffic YouTube channels will be able to activate this feature.

Anyone, during a live stream will be able to purchase a Super Chat. Super Chats are highlighted and pinned to top of chat comments for up to five hours. Starting January thirty first two thousand seventeen YouTube creators in twenty countries and viewers in more than forty countries will have access to Super Chat.

Super Chats are color coordinated. How much you pay determines color and how long your message gets pinned. You can make purchases from YouTube or YouTube gaming.

You can make Super Chat purchases using a computer or android application. iOS is not currently supported for payments. Super Chat comments can be viewed with following web browsers:

* Internet Explorer 11 or greater
* Chrome 36 or greater
* Safari 9 or greater
* FireFox 35 or greater
* Microsoft Edge
* Opera 23 or greater

You won’t be able to view Super Chat messages on mobile web browsers. The following countries are able to make Super Chat purchases:

* Australia
* Brazil
* Canada
* France
* Germany
* India
* Japan
* Mexico
* South Korea
* Spain
* United Kingdom
* United States of America

In order to make a purchase, you select a dollar sign within a live chat window. That live chat must be visible and mobile devices should be in portrait mode. You select “Send a Super Chat”.

Drag a slider or type your desired value, to select an amount. Enter your message and then select “Buy and Send”.
Follow some instructions, to complete your purchase.

Super Chat message(s), channel icon(s), and purchase(s) amount are publicly visible. You will receive a receipt via email.