Desktop Email Client – How to Fix Mozilla Thunderbird When Crashing

Is your Mozilla Thunderbird email client software program crashing all of a sudden? I upgraded Thunderdbird email client software to version 31.2.0 and noticed it started crashing. I am not sure if this was a coincidence or not.

Perhaps upgrading this email client software program caused the Thunderbird profile to become corrupted or just happen chance. Anyhow, I am using Ubuntu Linux operating system version 12.04 on this computer with this problem. I am going to show you how I quickly resolved this issue.

First, I tried starting Thunderbird email software client program with a different user account, in this case I ran it with root credentials. I no longer received this crash error when opening Mozilla Thunderbird email software program. Next, I renamed the .thunderbird directory in Ubuntu Linux operating system to .thunderbird.old.

I started Thundebird email client software program again and it opened correctly. However, it was a generic profile with no email accounts. To fix this secondary issue I went into the old Thunderbird email client profile that I had renamed and then copied all that data from a xxxx.default folder.

I pasted that data into a new xxxxx.default folder, created in .thunderbird. When prompted I choose to over write all existing files. I started Mozilla Thunderbird email software program and this time all previously created email accounts were working properly.

Hopefully, these steps will help you get your crashing Mozilla Thunderbird email client software program working properly again. Another way to potentially fix this issue, is to perform a system restore if you are using Microsoft Windows operating system. You would want to restore Microsoft Windows operating system back to before you had this issue.

These instructions were written for Mozilla Thunderbird email client software installed on Ubuntu Linux operating system. However, they could certainly be used as basis points to potentially fix your Mozilla Thunder email software program crashing. The exact steps to rectify this situation may not be exactly the same, depending on the actual operating system you are using with this crashing problem.

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