How to Install OS X – Leopard 10.5.4 on G5 PowerPC

I recently acquired three Apple Macintosh G5 PowerPC computer systems. None of them would boot up properly when I received them. I was able to install random access memory correctly in these three computers and they all booted up properly and successfully.

I am going to describe to you how to install OS X Leopard which is Apple operating system version 10.5.4. First, you will need either a digital video disc or universal serial bus flash drive. You can install Apple Macintosh operating system ten with a universal serial bus flash drive but that requires more technical knowledge beyond this blog post.

Apple allows you to buy and sell used Macintosh operating system discs. You can obtain them from websites similar to Craigslist, Amazon, and Ebay. If your missing a hard drive you can install a new or used one and partition it using the Apple Macintosh operating system version ten installation digital video disc.

If the digital video disc optical tray does not open successfully, you can power on your Apple Macintosh G5 Power personal computer while pressing and holding your left mouse button. Universal serial bus mice designed for personal computers are supported by this Apple Macintosh hardware. Also, standard universal serial bus keyboards are supported by this Apple Macintosh hardware.

You do not have to use official Apple Macintosh keyboard and mice if you do not want to. The Apple Macintosh G5 Power personal computer will eventually boot off of the digital video disc. After you choose your language, you will want to click the right arrow down below at the initial screen to begin the installation.

You will see a welcome screen where you will want to click Continue. You will then be presented with a software license agreement screen. You will need to click on Agree to continue the installation process.

If you have a used, refurbished, or new hard disk then you will need to create a partition. If you do not create this partition now, the Apple Macintosh operating system Leopard 10.5.4 install will fail. However, you will not get notified why the install failed.

Many times it is because you have not created a partition yet. In order to create a partition you will want to click on Utilities from the top menu and then choose Disk Utility. Now from within disk utility you will be able to create a new Apple Macintosh partition.

You will see your hard drive on the left hand side. Click on your hard drive and then click on a “Partition” tab. In partition you will be able to create a new partition.

You probably will want to create an Apple Mactinosh operating system ten journaled partition. Also, if you have an existing hard drive with an Apple Macintosh partition created, you can go ahead and erase this partition instead for a clean install. There are two types of erase options, a quick simple one where your user data is preserved and not written over until that portion of the hard drive is used.

The longer erase is called Erase Free Space and can take an hour or more depending on speed of your Apple Macintosh G5 Power personal computer. Once you create a partition you can now exit out of disk utility. You will be asked to select the destination hard drive for your installation to proceed.

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You will want to select whichever hard drive or partition you want your Apple Macintosh operating system ten Leopard 10.5.4 to reside on and then you can click on Continue. You will be presented with a Install Summary screen. You will want to then click on Install in order to begin that installation process.

You will see a Checking Installation DVD popup window. You can click on Skip in order to skip this particular step. You may want to allow the installation to check your installation digital video disc if it is the first time you are using this particular digital video disc.

It will add possibly another fifteen to twenty minutes to the total installation time. Finally, you will see an installation progress indicator. It took this Apple Macintosh operating system ten Leopard 10.5.4 approximately one hour to install on this Apple Macintosh G5 Power personal computer.

The installation will automatically shutdown and start that computer again. It will not dismount your digital video disc but also will not boot off of it. If you see a blank screen during that installation process, that most likely means that the screen saver turned on, so you do not need to panic necessarily.

Your keyboard might not get detected again so you just need to press two keys in order to trigger the Apple Macintosh operating system to detect it again. You will want to follow the instructions on screen to perform this task and then click Continue. You can choose the default keyboard detection or change it and then you will want to click on Continue.

You will then see a welcome screen with country or region information. You will want to select the default or change it and then press on Continue. Next a Do you already own a MAC? question will be presented.

You can transfer data from another Apple Macintosh computer, another disc volume on this computer, or from a time machine backup or decide not to transfer any data at all. You will then need to click on Continue in order to move along that installation process. You will be asked to enter your Apple identification credentials.

You do not have to enter your Apple identification in order to continue with the installation process. You can then click on Continue. A Registration Information screen is displayed.

You do not have to enter any registration information in order to continue that installation process. You can then click on Continue in order to proceed with that installation process. You will be presented with a Create Your Account screen.

You only have to enter in information into a name and short name fields. You do not have to enter a password if you do not want to. You will automatically become logged into your Apple Macintosh operating system version ten Leopard 10.5.4 desktop.

You can create a password for your account later if you wish to do so. You will need to click Continue in order to view the last screen titled Thank You. Then you can click on Go in order to finalize the installation and be taken to the Apple Macintosh operating system ten Leopard 10.5.4 desktop. Congratulations you just successfully installed Apple Macintosh operating system version ten Leopard 10.5.4 on an Apple Macintosh Power personal computer model G5.