Login Webmail – Having Problems Accessing Your Webmail Today?

Today, I am going to show you some solutions to fix your problem of not being able to access your webmail. You may still be able to access other web sites successfully, but for some reason you cannot access your webmail account. If you cannot get your webmail account to work and get a message that “This program is not responding”, with Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, you can try downloading, and installing an alternative web browser.

You can change your web browser to Mozilla Firefox for example. Another possible fix is for you to select a “Tools” menu option in Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, and then select “Internet Options”. In "Internet options" you will want to click on a “Delete Cookies” button, and let that tool delete your web browser cookies.

Then you will next click on “Delete Files” button, and let that tool delete your temporary internet files. Finally, you will want to click “OK” when an hour glass disappears, and Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser is finished deleting all your files. You will need to close Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser and open it again.

If that does not fix that problem you were having with your webmail, you can try to see if you might have more than one instance of iexplore.exe process running. You can press your “ctrl” “alt” “delete” keys at the same time, which will open up another window. In that window you will want to select “Task Manager”.

In Microsoft Windows operating system "Task Manager" you can look to see if more than one iexplore process is running. You can then click on a “Processes” tab, then click on an “Image Name” tab to sort those processes alphabetically. You will want to highlight any and all iexplore.exe processes, and click on “End Process” for each additional process that is running.

After you have killed all those iexplore.exe processes, you can then open up Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, and try to access your web based email. If you are trying to access Yahoo webmail you may receive “Done”, and “Opening page about:blank” messages when trying to access your Yahoo email account. You can browse to a troubleshooting web page for Yahoo mail.

You can follow all those troubleshooting steps you want in the below uniform resource locator web page link, but “Switch back to Yahoo Mail Classic by opting out of Yahoo mail”, and “Check your email in Yahoo Mail Classic” will hopefully log you back into your mailbox successfully. You can follow these Webmail Problem troubleshooting steps from Yahoo email support. You may need to try all of those troubleshooting steps.

Now you can try accessing your web based email from a generic Yahoo page. The interface is pretty basic, but hopefully you can read your email for now, until you find a solution where you will be able to use Yahoo mail classic, or a newer Yahoo mail web based client techology. You can access Yahoo web based Generic Email from this uniform resource locator web page link.

If you by chance have any toolbars like a Yahoo toolbar installed or a Google toolbar, sometimes those toolbars can create problems with certain web sites. In order to remove any problematic toolbar(s) you would browse to your “Start” menu, then choose “Control Panel”. Now then you will want to select “Add/Remove Programs” in "Control Panel".

You could remove any toolbars for example a Yahoo toolbar, and try accessing your web based email from the following web page link below, and then you can bookmark that login page to access your web based email. Once you remove any toolbars you can try accessing your Yahoo Webmail. Also, you may need to close and open up your web browser again after removing any toolbar(s).

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Another possibility would be to login to your email with Yahoo Webmail, and then either by clicking on “mail” at very top left corner, or hovering your mouse over a mail icon under “Personal Assistant”, and then waiting for it to list your emails. Once that tool is done then you can click on an email message in order to attempt to open it. If you are not having any other issues like this with other websites, then I think it is possible there is a problem with your specific email account on Yahoo email servers, which does occasionally happen.

If you have another Yahoo email account or a family member has a different Yahoo email account, you could try signing into that account to see if that problem is specific to your account. Most of these fixes for your webmail problem are specific to Yahoo webmail, but could certainly be used as stepping stones for other webmail providers. The overall troubleshooting of your web browser being the culprit can be used for different web browsers, for example Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, Brave, etcetera.