Power Point Update - Fix No Text Converter Installed Error

You may receive this “No text converter installed for this file type” error message when trying to open up a Microsoft Power Point presentation. One quick solution is to try installing any available Microsoft Office suite software updates. You can browse to this office updates Microsoft web page to check for, download, and install any available updates for Microsoft PowerPoint software.

Also, you can enable automatic updates in Microsoft Windows eXPerience, Vista, seven, eight, ten, and eleven operating systems. This way any important updates, including those for Microsoft Office software program products will be automatically available for your particular version of Microsoft Windows operating system. Instructions for enabling Microsoft Windows automatic updates are listed below.

Enable automatic updates in Microsoft Windows eight:

You will want to open Microsoft Windows "Control Panel" by pressing on the Microsoft Windows logo key + X key to see a list of commands and options, and then click on "Control Panel". You will want to click on "System and Security". Now you can click on "Windows Update".

Then you will need to click on "Change settings", You can choose or change those settings you want. Finally, remember your computer has to become turned on, at that time you selected, in order to install any newly available updates.

Enable automatic updates in Microsoft Windows Seven:

You will want to close all open programs. Then you need to click on the Microsoft Windows start menu icon. Now you can select "Control Panel". You will want to click on "System and Security", which you will see when you view the "Control Panel" by choosing the "Category" option.

Now you can click on Microsoft "Windows Update". In that left hand side window pane, you can click on "Change Settings". Under "Important Updates", you will want to select "Install updates automatically".

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You can select any other options that are appropriate. Remember that your Microsoft Windows based computer system has to become turned on, at that time you selected, in order to install newly available updates.

Enable automatic updates in Microsoft Windows Vista:

You will want to click your start menu icon. Then browse to "All Programs" and then click on Microsoft "Windows Update". You can perform any of these following additional tips:

If Microsoft Windows updates need to become installed, you can click on "Install Updates". In order to start checking for those Microsoft Windows updates, you can click on "Check for updates". In that Microsoft "Windows Update" dialog box, you can click on "Change Settings". Then you will want to select options, telling your computer how to receives updates from Microsoft.

Enable automatic updates in Microsoft Windows eXPerience

You can click on your start menu button icon. Then you will want to select "Control Panel". You can then click on "Performance and Maintenance".

You will want to then double click on "System". In a "System Properties" dialog box, you will need to click on that "Automatic Updates" tab. You can select any of those appropriate settings that you want to use with Microsoft Windows operating system udpates.

Then click "Apply". Followed then by clicking on "OK". Note: In Microsoft Windows operating system "Classic View", you can double click on "System", and then you will want to click that Microsoft Windows "Automatic Updates" tab.