Print Shop Deluxe 4.0 – is Compatible With Windows 10

I received another question on a third party website, where I answer computer and technology related questions to earn supplemental income. Here is the customer question below quoted verbatim:

I just bought a new computer and the old computer had Broderbun Printshop version two deluxe for Microsoft Windows seven, Vista, and eXPerience operating system. My new computer has Microsoft Windows ten operating system on my laptop and my desktop. What version do I need for the new Microsoft Windows operating system?

Will my old files work with the new version of Microsoft Windows?

This individual has not updated their Broderbund Print Shop version two software program. The short quick answer is that Print Shop version four is compatible with Microsoft Windows ten operating system. Also, you can import data from Print Shop version two into Print Shop deluxe version four software.program.

If you do not want to upgrade that Broderbund Print Shope software, you might be able to install Print Shop version two software on your Microsoft Windows ten computer using compatibility mode. You will want to right click the Print Shop version two installation executable. Then you can select Properties.

You will want to click on the Compatibility tab. Then you can look under Compatibility mode. You will then want to click in the boxt next to Run this program in compatibility mode for:.

In that drop down menu you will want to select whatever operating system that you want to run Broderbund Print Shop version two software program. For example, you could select Microsoft Windows eight,
Windows seven, Windows Vista, Windows eXPerience etcetera. You can select every version of Microsoft Windows operating system back to Windows ninety five believer it or not.

If you cannot get Print Shop Deluxe version two to run in compatibility mode, then most likely you will need to upgrade that software program to Print Shop Deluxe version four. Print Shop Deluxe version four is compatible with Microsoft Windows ten operating system. Yes, you can actually import your Print Shop Deluxe version two data into Print Shop Deluxe verstion four software program.

I received a positive review after giving this information to this individual. What this means is that I received compensation for my time obtaining and sharing this information. These instructions and tips were written for Microsoft Windows ten operating system, however they could certainly be used for other Microsoft Windows operating systems as a basis point.

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