Product Activation Call Center – What if You Lost Your Corel Key?

Your old personal computer crashed and you bought a reconditioned one at a computer repair shop. A repair technician downloaded everything from your old personal computer, but your WordPerfect software. Now you have your original disc, but it asks for your indetification number.

You remember seeing your name and number when you used it, but you never wrote it down. You did register so you hope you have that information. A number on that installation disc is 980385.

You insert that disc and it starts an installer which asks you to check “I agree”. Then it asks for your name and an identification number. If you created an account with Corel, you can try to log in to retrieve your serial number.

Did you buy that version of Wordperfect from a retail store, online store, or from Corel’s website? Also, do you still have a receipt for it? Please use this Corel link to try to login with a username and password.

If you don’t remember your username and password or forgot them, click on a “Forgot password?” link. Type in an email address you think you would have used. Also, Corel has a 1-877-582-6735 number you can call them at, from 9AM-7PM Eastern time.