Video TDR Failure NVLDDMKM.SYS – Windows 10 BSOD Diagnosis

Another computer problem in the world order with Microsoft Windows ten operating system. What a volatile operating system Microsoft Windows ten operating system is. Anyways, this time an individual kept receiving the proverbial Microsoft Windows operating system blue screen of death.

Here is their initial request quoted verbatim below:

“Windows 10 – Video_TDR_Failure (NVLDDMKM.SYS) Video TDR Failure.”

This error can be caused by many different reasons. I am always suspicious on a computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed, that perhaps malware, spyware, virus, etcetera. are the culprit. Yes those nasty infections can and will corrupt the video drivers.

NVLDDMKM.SYS is part of the Nvidia graphics driver sub system. Here is my response to this request:

You will want to restart it into just Safe mode with command prompt. In a Microsoft Windows ten operating system command prompt you will want to run a system file check scan:

sfc /scannow

Also, you can try choosing Last known good configuration. Another scan that you can run is a check disk scan:

chkdsk c: /f /r

This individual was able to boot this computer into Safe mode with networking after performing two system file check scans. I remotely connected into this individual's computer system and performed the usual troubleshooting. I ran a scan with a preferred malware and spyware removal tool.

This individual had another third party malware removal tool installed on their computer operating system. However, both of these tools did not find any objects. Also, I ran a full scan with Microsoft Windows ten operating system Defender. Microsoft Windows Defender did not find any objects either.

I then used another preferred Microsoft Windows operating system PC optimization tool. This tool almost always finds junk files and will clean up the Microsoft Windows operating system registry. I checked Microsoft Windows operating system updates and Device Manager.

I did not notice anything out of the ordinary. This Microsoft Windows ten operating system based computer would not boot without a proverbial Microsoft blue screen of death screen. Luckily this computer would boot into Safe mode with networking. Finally, I scheduled a check disk scan that would begin the next time this computer operating system would become started again.

However, a Microsoft Windows ten operating system check disk scan did not solve the problem. Another area that you can try to diagnose is the video graphics processing unit drivers. When searching for a solution further there could be problems when updating your Nvidia video graphics card drivers. Also, Microsoft Windows operating system restore would not work because there were no restore points.

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I tried to perform a “Reset this PC” but would not work in safe mode with networking. This computer required the creation of a Microsoft Windows ten operating system recovery drive. You will want to type in “Recovery Drive” into a Cortana search bar box.

Then you will want to choose “Create recovery drive”. If you choose to leave the check box for “Back up system files to the recovery drive” this will allow you to install Microsoft Windows ten operating system again. You will need a universal serial bus flash drive with at least five hundred twelve megabytes in size.

You do not need to create this drive on the same computer that you are having problems with. You can use another computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed. Then you would boot off this recovery drive on the actual computer you are receiving the proverbial Microsoft Windows operating system blue screen.

This allows you to access command prompt, system restore, reset this personal computer, etcetera. Also, you would be able to install Microsoft Windows ten operating system again if necessary. Some end users on the Internet were claiming that Microsoft Windows operating system updates caused this Video TDR Failure NVLDDMKM.SYS blue screen.

If this were the case in your situation, you could try to manually remove the culprit Microsoft Windows update. You would want to browse into “Settings”. Now you want to choose “Update and Security”. Then you will be able to click on “View update history”.

Now you want to click on “Uninstall updates”. You will want to select the offending Microsoft Windows ten operating system update by clicking on it. Then you can choose “Uninstall”.

Some other individuals were claiming that upgrading their Nvidia graphics card drivers was the culprit. They recommended reverting back to the previous driver version before these blue screens appeared. Microsoft operating system blue screen of death problems can be quite difficult if not impossible to diagnose.

Hopefully, some of these tactics helps you diagnose your Video TDR Failure NVLDDMKM.SYS blue screen problem. These instructions and tips were written for Microsoft Windows ten operating system. However, you can use them as a basis point to troubleshoot this problem in other Microsoft Windows operating systems.