Windows 7 Updates - Fix Windows Update Never Finds Any Updates

Are you sick and tired of waiting for Microsoft Windows operating system updates to possibly never stop checking for updates? I found this Microsoft Windows seven operating system Windows Update never stops checking for updates Microsoft Windows seven operating system forums post over the last few days. Every time I have had to reimage computers with Microsoft Windows seven and also Vista operating system believe it or not.

I had a customer that brought in a computer with Microsoft Windows Vista operating system installed. Microsoft Vista operating system had the same problem. Microsoft Windows operating system updates would never stop checking.

I left those computers turned on overnight to no avail. No bueno muy mal. The customer with Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, I had to give back her computer without updating Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, because I just I did not have enough time and I did not find a solution.

However, this problem with Microsoft Windows seven operating system I found this possible solution. I had a computer with Microsoft Windows seven operating system that I left it turned on overnight checking for updates. Absolutely no updates were found. I rebooted that computer this afternoon and started the manual check for updates again.

About five hours later it only found like fifty two updates. What has worked for me every time is the solution to stop the Microsoft Windows operating system update service. You will want to open up Microsoft Windows operating system task manager.

Then you will want to click on show all processes from all users. If this is Microsoft Windows operating system windows update service is running you want to kill it. Also you could also reboot that computer instead.

However, you will want to double check whether or not that Microsoft Windows operating system updates service is running or not. It might be failing even though it is still functioning. Then you will want to download and install Microsoft knowledge base 3050265.

You will want to successfully install that update and then reboot your computer with Microsoft Windows operating system installed. Now you will want to download and install Microsoft knowledge base 3102810. This knowledge base update will require you to restart your computer.

You will restart that computer a third time and then check for updates again. On this computer that I just tried this solution on within a few minutes, within about five minutes maybe less it found two hundred and twenty updates and they are installing right now. Normally, before this solution it might take hours for the Microsoft Windows update service to find any updates.

You will want to reboot and check for updates again. All of the computers that I tried this solution with, found the required updates in less than five minutes and I think that is correct. That happened on one Microsoft Windows seven operating system computer.

You will want to make sure if you are using Microsoft Windows seven sixty four bit operating system, to make sure you find the sixty four bit version of those Microsoft Knowledge Base updates. If you are using Microsoft Windows seven thirty two bit operating system, to make sure you find the Microsoft Knowledge Base updates for thirty two bit operating systems.

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