Windows Registry Fix – The System Cannot Find The Path Specified

I received a comment on the Anet Computers Youtube channel pertaining to a video recorded trying to help people get Microsoft Windows ten operating system to detect their optical drive, with a Microsoft Windows operating system registry tool fix. For whatever reason when you upgrade your computer from Microsoft Windows seven operating system to Microsoft Windows ten operating system, Microsoft forgets you even have a compact disc read only memory drive, digital video disc drive, optical drive, etcetera. However, as a general warning the potential solution may not always work to fix your issue.

This individual is receiving a “System cannot find the path specified” error message when trying to add a registry key in a command line window. First thing is to make sure that you are using command prompt with administrative right privileges. You will want to right click command prompt and choose “Run as administrator”.

“The system can’t find the path is all mine is saying it won’t confirm it?”

Mr. Potato

Trying to run certain Microsoft Windows operating system executables without administrative right privileges will result in access denied or other error messages. If this does not resolve your “the system cannot find the path specified” error, than perhaps there is something wrong with your environment variables. You can change to the exact directory where the Microsoft Windows reg.exe executable is actually located.

For example on this Microsoft Windows ten x64 sixty four bit operating system based computer I am using, the following path is where reg.exe resides.


You could in a command prompt change to this directory using this command.

cd c:\Windows\SysWOW64

If you type in dir into this command prompt you should see a bunch of commands in this C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory. Another way to find executubles and their path directory is to open up file explorer. Once in file explorer you can search for the command or executable that you are trying to run.

You can click on “This PC” and then enter in the command in a “Search This PC” box in the upper right hand corner of your screen. This will search your entire Microsoft Windows ten operating system file system for whatever search term you provide. This can help you find the direct path for any commands that are getting this “the system cannot find the path specified” error message.

This was a potential fix that may not always solve that perplexing error message. There could be other issues causing your problems. However, trying to run a command directly from it's path might solve your problem.

In extreme cases it is possible that malware, spyware, and virus is causing this problem. A solution would be to run malware, spyware, and anti-virus scans. Finally, you could try using a registry cleaner like CCleaner.

You will want to back up your data and backup your Microsoft Windows ten operating system registry when trying to troubleshoot registry problems. These instructions and tips were written specifically for Microsoft Windows ten operating system. However, you can certainly use them as a general troubleshooting basis for other Microsoft Windows operating systems.

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