How to Run Multiple Versions of Office on One Computer

I received another request on a third party website where I earn supplemental income answering computer and technology related questions. Here is the original request quoted verbatim:

“I have discovered that Quick Books will not export to Microsoft Office Excel 365 version. So I would like to install my legal copy of Microsoft Office 2010 on the laptop and use it’s Excel to work with the Quick Books files. Will this work OK, or will the new install somehow harm or delete office 365?”

The quick answer to this question is that yes, you can install multiple different versions of Microsoft Office suite software onto the same computer. This individual was using a computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed. Here is the rest of my response below:

Yes, you can install multiple versions of Microsoft Office suite software on the same computer. However, you have to make sure that you change the directory that Microsoft Office gets installed into. For example you would want Microsoft Office two thousand ten version installed in a different folder compared to the Microsoft Office 365 installation.

C:\Program Files\Office 2010

You will want to first verify where your existing Microsoft Office suite software installation folder is located. That Microsoft Office software should be in one of these two folders:

C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files (x86)

Once you verify the exact folder where Microsoft Office 365 is currently installed into, then you can attempt to install Microsoft Office two thousand ten. During the beginning of the installation, it will ask you the where you want to install Microsoft Office software into. This is when and where you change the file path to something different then where Microsoft Office 365 is currently installed into.

You want to make certain you pick a file path that is different, other wise you will over write these current Microsoft Office 365 software suite files. You will want to install Microsoft office two thousand and ten like this:

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C:\Program Files\Office 2010

Not in the downloads folder of your user account, if that is what you meant. If you install Microsoft Office two thousand and ten software into:

C:\Program Files\Office 2010

Then you will need to make certain that Microsoft Office 365 is currently installed in the following folder path:

C:\Program Files\Office 365

This is an old school trick that I have known about for quite a few years. You just have to make certain you pick dynamic installation folders. Also, you may want to use a naming convention that is logical and not confusing.

You might want to keep the folder names short and targeted to the versions of Microsoft Office you are installing. If you make them short and easy to distinguish it can potentially save you from removing accidentally a version of Microsoft Office software suite that you actually intend to keep. If you forget or ever need to remove a version of Microsoft Office software, then you can just browse to:

C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86). The (x86) folder is for thirty two bit x86 bit applications. The folder without (x86) is where x64 sixty four bit applications become installed.

As long as you install Microsoft Office software suite in different folders then you will be able to use multiple versions of Microsoft Office software on your computer. This individual was able to successfully install both Microsoft Office two thousand ten and Microsoft Office 365 on the same exact computer without avoiding a major crisis. These instructions were written for a computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed.

This may seem like a strange request. However, in my time in corporate and government military America, this was a more common request than you might imagine. However, this information can be used for other Microsoft operating systems.