Microsoft Word is Not Opening – Fix

Another computer problem in Microsoft Windows ten of all operating systems. I received a request on a third party website where by I earn supplemental income answering computer and technology related questions. Here is the original request quoted verbatim below:

“I have a 2016 version of Office Home and Student. I cannot open Microsoft Word this morning. I have the documents.”

This individual had installed some Microsoft Windows ten operating system updates recently. However, they claimed they were not able to open Microsoft Word successfully. They were using a computer with Microsoft Office Home and Student two thousand sixteen version installed.

Here is my response:

You can restart your computer if you have not done so. You can post any error messages you are receiving. Also, you can try to perform a repair on Microsoft Office software suite.

You will want to browse to Add or remove programs. Then you will need to select Microsoft Office Home and Student two thousand sixteen edition by clicking on it. You will want to look for Repair.

Then you can choose Repair if that option is available. Another thing you can try is to use a PC optimization tool on your computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed. You will want to run both cleaner and registry scans with Ccleaner.

If Microsoft Word software program still will not open, there are some additional system scans you can perform. I will provide more detailed instructions below. This individual requested that I remotely connect and fix the problem for them.

I have learned from years of troubleshooting Microsoft Office suite issues to first check Microsoft Windows operating system Task Manager. In Microsoft Windows ten operating system, you can right click the task bar and select Task Manager. Also, you can type in “Task Manager” into a Cortana search bar box.

Once you are in Microsoft Windows operating system Task Manager you can look for suspicious activity. Perhaps high memory usage, high central processing unit usage, and or hard drive utilization could be indications of a further problem causing Microsoft Word software program not to open up. Also, I have learned to look for a process called Microsoft Office click to run.

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This process was designed with multiple benefits. One benefit being that it makes using multiple versions of Microsoft Office software suite on that very same computer efficient. However, my experiences with Microsoft Office click to run is that this process can actually cause problems.

One of those problems being that it will cause a Microsoft Office suite application program not to open. What you perform in order to fix this problem is to end each Microsoft Office click to run process. Actually, this computer had three of these processes running.

I right clicked each one in Microsoft Windows operating system Task Manager, and then selected End task. Even though each one of these processes spawned again. However, after ending these three process tasks, guess what?

Microsoft Office Home and Student two thousand edtion of Microsoft Word actually opened successfully. This was a pretty simple fix. I described how to perform these tasks to this individual in case they kept having problems with Microsoft Word not opening successfully.

Since this was a quick easy fix, I shall you give some bonus tips in case you were still not able to fix this problem. You will always want to boot your computer again at least once. You might be surprised how many times this will fix an issue.

Another tactic you can try is to perform a repair on Microsoft Office Home and Student two thousand sixteen edition software suite. You will want to follow those instructions to perform a repair earlier in this blog post. Also, you do not want to necessarily overlook malware, spyware, and viruses as a potential culprit.

Microsoft Windows ten operating system includes Microsoft Windows Defender integrated, which is a free malware and virus scanner. Also, you can run two Microsoft Windows operating system scans mentioned earlier. You will want to perform a system file check, by typing in this command into a Microsoft Windows command prompt with administrator rights.

sfc /scannow

Also, you can run a check disk scan with this command below.

chkdsk c: /f /r

You will need to type Y for yes when prompted with a volume is in use message. Then you can shutdown and start that computer again, while not touching the keyboard. A check disk scan should begin within ten seconds.

If that check disk scan does not begin, then you can schedule it again using the instructions above. Finally, you may have to install Microsoft Office Home and Student edition two thousand sixteen again in the worst case scenario. These instructions were written for Microsoft Windows ten operating system with Microsoft Office two thousand sixteen version of Home and Student Edition installed, but you can certainly use them for other Microsoft operating systems as well as other Microsoft Office versions.