Windows Picture it – Can Windows 7 Run Microsoft Picture it?

You have been using Microsoft Picture it software program for several years, but found it no longer functions correctly as a result of a lack of compatibility with Microsoft Windows operating system. You have seen information that many individuals are using a substitute program, called Express version seven, found on a Microsoft Microsoft Network version eight compact disc read only memory. Is this in fact a full version of your program, and if so can you obtain a copy of that compact disc read only memory you ask?

Is their a free version to replace it with you ask? Microsoft corporation has discontinued Picture It on Microsoft Windows seven operating system. They have replaced it with Windows live photo gallery.

You can download and try it out since it is free. If you absolutely need to or want to use Microsoft Picture it software program on Microsoft Windows seven operating system, you could try running it in compatibility mode. If you are able to successfully install it on Microsoft Windows seven operating system, then you can actually run it with Microsoft Windows seven compatibility mode.

You will want to browse to the file directory where the program executable is located. You can look for the program executable. For example you will want to look for pictureit.exe.

Then you will want to right click that executable. Now you can click on and choose the "Compatibility" tab. Under "Compatibility mode" look for a "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" drop down list.

You will need to place a check into that check box so that list is no longer greyed out. You will want to choose "Windows 7". Now you can click "Apply" and then click "OK".

Then you will obviously want to open that program up to test whether or not Microsoft Picture it program will function on Microsoft Windows seven operating system. If you cannot find the Microsoft Picture it software program on your computer, you can look for a desktop shortcut for that program. Then you would follow the previous instructions.

Hopefully, Microsoft Picture it software program will function correctly now. If that software program will still not run on Microsoft Windows seven, you can try to use compatibility mode when installing it. You can remove that Microsoft Picture it software program from Microsoft Windows seven if you were some how able to install it.

Now you will want to find the installation executable for Microsoft Picture it software program. You can look for "install.exe", "setup.exe", or something similar. Then you can follow the previous instructions to configure that installation executable file to run in Microsoft Windows seven compatibility mode.

If you are still not able to run Microsoft Picture it software program successfully on Microsoft Windows seven operating system, you may need to choose a different operating system in that "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" drop down menu list. You can try setting each version of Microsoft Windows operating system that is available until Microsoft Picture it software program finally runs correctly. These instructions were written for Microsoft Picture it software on Microsoft Windows seven operating system, but can certainly be used for other Microsoft Windows operating systems.

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